1. Gladiator Get-Up

  • Start in the supine position
  • Raise your right arm
  • Bend your right leg
  • Left-arm,  flat on the ground at a 45-degree angle from the body
  • Left leg straight on the ground
  • Begin by, engaging your abdomen muscles and raising yourself off the ground and bracing yourself on your left forearm
  • Next, push yourself up by using your left arm
  •  the left leg is straight and your right leg is on the ground at a 90-degree angle
  • While your right arm is still extended in the air and you’re balancing on your left arm
  •  Bring your right leg and stack it on your left leg
  • Raise your right leg to a split position pushing through your heels
  • Hold for 3 sec.
  • Reverse the movement going down

2. Step-Through Push-Ups to Reverse Plank

  • Starting in the push-up position
  • engage your core and walk through to the other side
  • Proceed past the crouch position.
  • Finish in an upside-down push-up.
  • Tighten glutes, keep a neutral neck, and look up to the sky.
  • Try not to let anything but your feet touch the ground.
  • Reverse the movement slowly backward through your arms and finish in the push-up position.
  • Try to keep your hands on the ground but if they do come up that’s

3. Spider-man Push-Up

  • From the push – up position
  • On the way down raise one knee to below the elbow
  • Push up and alternate leg
  • Maintain a tight neutral position throughout the movement